Wisdom teeth removal surgeries are one of the most common procedures oral surgeons offer. They take place almost every day around the world since almost 80% of the world’s population suffers from at least one impacted wisdom tooth. The surgery itself is quite simple, and can take under 45 minutes mostly with local anesthesia or some light sedation. The wisdom teeth removal recovery process can also be quite simple if you follow a set of very simple instructions, as we’ll try to explain here.
What’s Involved in the Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Process?
The first step of recovery is following the post-operative instructions set by your surgeon. These include:
- Biting down on a piece of gauze for about an hour.
- Avoiding hard foods in general after the surgery until fully healed.
- Using a salt water rinse the day following the surgery and for one week.
- Keeping your mouth as clean as possible using a toothbrush and mouth rinse if instructed by your surgeon.
- Trying not to disturb the site of the wound with your fingers or tongue.
- Heading back to your surgeon’s office 7 to 10 days after the procedure to check the healing and remove the stitches.
Post Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery
Once the initial recovery process ends, you are usually out of the woods. However, some symptoms may appear, and if so, seek help from your surgeon as soon as you can. These include:
1. Swelling
You should expect swelling during the recovery week, due to the accumulation of some fluids due to the surgery. Swelling after that time, however, may indicate an infection that would need attention as soon as possible.
2. Foul Odor or Taste
This could be nothing since some food is bound to accumulate inside the wound, and that is easily cleaned with a saltwater rinse. However, if the smell or taste persists, that could mean pus is forming and indicates an infection that needs to be taken care of ASAP.
3. Bluish Bruising of the Skin
Again, a very common occurrence since any surgery involves some trauma. This would form a bruise over the skin that would need only some cold compresses and should resolve on its own within a few days.
4. Pain Inside the Mouth
Pain is a very common side effect after any surgery. It is usually centered not only around the area of the surgery but the injection of the anesthesia site as well. In 90% of the cases, the pain is easily controlled with medication and dissipates after a few days. Severe pain or pain that won’t dissipate means attention of your surgeon is required.
5. Difficulty Opening or Moving Your Mouth
Since the procedure usually takes some time, and the injection goes into the muscle, some difficulty while moving your mouth is expected. Warm compresses should help. And, in some cases, muscle relaxants are prescribed by your surgeon. If the problem persists or intensifies, seek the advice of your surgeon as soon as you can.
6. Stitches Popping Out
One of the most common instructions is to try not to disturb the site of the wound with your tongue or fingers since that could lead to your stitches popping out. In most cases, there is no need for alarm, but if this happens close to the time of the surgery, the wound may not yet have healed, and new stitches would need to be placed to ensure complete healing of the wound.
Wisdom teeth removal procedures are very simple, and the wisdom teeth removal recovery process is even simpler. All you have to do is follow the instructions listed above, and be on the lookout for any of the signs or symptoms of infection.